February Update

Mia and I at winter retreat

Welcome back! 

I'm so excited to update you on the last month, these last few weeks have been PACKED! I am so thankful for your support that allows ministry like this to happen. All these students in the pictures that follow are recipients of your faithfulness and generosity. I cannot thank you enough!  

A month in pictures: 

To start this is all our focus students at winter retreat!! We had almost 700 students in attendance, which was one of our biggest campus yet.  We spent the weekend talking about what it means to follow Jesus. The cost of following Jesus, following Jesus in our sexuality, the power to follow Jesus, and his mercies are new every morning. 

This is all our UTA students that came to camp, such a neat group of students. This is such a lively and passionate group

This is Sophia- She is one of the most thoughtful and earnest students I get to meet with. Every week we meet and study the Bible and it is always one of the highlights of my week. Join me in prayer for her, that God would draw her closer and closer to Him and community! I can see her being a gift to and a pillar of our community in the years to come. 

This is another one of our students Emily! She is also such a gift to our community. 

This is Mia and Skylar, they are two of our student leaders this year. I get to meet with both of them every week- they are another highlight of my week. Join me in prayer for Mia as she graduates this semester and discerns what to do next, and join me in prayer for Skylar as she continues to invest in her peers! 

This is a group of more of our students at winter retreat. Each of them are such gifts! There are a number of our student leaders in this picture as well. 

Pizza Theology:

I don't have a picture of this, but we had our semesterly event this past week: Pizza Theology! Every semester all of our students get together to hear from a collegiate level speaker on a topic that pertains to their faith. We call it pizza theo because we take a pizza dinner break in between sessions. This year we had a number of speakers from our staff talk about principles on money from different sections of the Bible: principles on money from the creation story, the law, the wisdom literature, the gospels and the new testament letters. 

I hope this gives you a glimpse of this packed month and some of the students that you are making an impact on, so thankful for you! 

Until next month, 



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